How The Practice of Gratitude Can Save Your life!


no control over the difficult circumstances that were happening in my life, it was very challenging and even impossible at times for me to feel gratitude for anything.

For instance during my divorce a few years ago I stopped doing my gratitude ritual. It was in too much pain to have the clarity needed to appreciate it all. My sabotaging self was too focused on blaming my ex partner and the court system and seeing my difficult circumstances as obstacles.

My only source of joy then was my love for my daughter Victoria… She was the only person that gave my life meaning. So for her I know that things had to change for the better and that change had to start with me.

Once I decided to look at this difficult situation from the perspective of my INNER AWESOME SELF who sees everything including the crises in our lives, as a gift and an opportunity to grow and evolve, I started appreciating and feeling grateful for everything again, especially my ex for being the source of my expansion.

The practice of gratitude for all there is in your life is transformational. It opens your heart in ways that you never thought could be possible. It speeds up your growth which gives you the wisdom and clarity to find beauty in everything (the positive and the negative). 

If you want to manifest a different reality than the one you have now, start by being grateful for being alive, and then for everything you have and all there is, including the things that you dreams that you have yet manifested in physical form as if you already have them. 

Trust me!!! I am living it right now! Life is awesome! I can’t be grateful enough for all there is this year: my family, my daughter, my friends especially the ones who triggered me, my clients, my home, for my ex who is continuously teaching me the importance of being and staying in alignment with my INNER AWESOME SELF!

So my wish for you this holiday season is for you to be present as you step into the shoes of your INNER AWESOME SELF and be grateful for all there is. Then and only then you will experience ultimate joy and happiness.

Have an awesome Thanksgiving!


I am grateful this year for making the practice of gratitude my most important ritual and “go to” practice to raise my vibration so I could attract the things I want. The rewards that I am reaping from that are priceless—way beyond my expectations…

I would always hear and read so much about gratitude. I even wrote a few blogs on that topic and it all made sense intellectually but I never fully embraced it.

I used to also preach about gratitude to my clients, telling them to write at bedtime in a gratitude journal: 1) one person 2) one experience 3) one emotion and 4) one object that they are grateful for…  The purpose of that exercise is to fall asleep feeling good so you can wake up feeling good.

Your point of focus based on the thoughts you entertain before falling asleep will be your same point of focus when you wake up the following morning.

Did I practiced what I preached? On that particular topic Not always! It was easy to do when things were running fairly smooth in my life. But in times of crisis, when I had


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